If you are looking to start or further your acting career, the perfect opportunity for you is here. A TV show casting call is looking to fill lead and featured roles. The true crime series “For My Man” is looking for actors for season 4. The TV One series is filming in the Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia area. It is schedule to shoot September 5th through September 8th. There are a ton of available roles for men and women in their twenties. A role is available for a Caucasian male in his fifties as well. All actors must be local to the area. Don’t miss out on the chance to star in a national TV show and apply today!
About the Show
“For My Man” is a true crime series that features the salacious and shocking stories of women who have been arrested for a crime they did in the name of love. From a killing spree across the mid-west to being an inside informant at the DEA and from murdering an unsupportive mother to robbing fifteen banks in under a year, these women have no limits as to how far they’ll go for their men. And do not be misled; these are not the women you’d expect. They are straight A students, career police officers and once happily married women. These are the stories of the obsessions and weakness that fueled their fall from grace”. [TV One]
Key Details
Shoot Location: MD, DC, VA area
Shoot Dates: 9/5/17 – 9/8/17
Paid: Yes
Roles & Requirements
Jemeker- (Lead Perp) African American Female, (20-25 ish) light to brown skin complexion, average height and weight, shoulder length hair, should be fierce, sexy, female drug lord type. (Think Cookie Lyon)
Daff- (Lead Perp) African American Male (25 ish) brown skin to dark skin complexion, short cut or afro, charismatic, slim build, mustache, chin hair or goatee
Percy- (Featured Accomplice) African American Male (25 ish) brown skin complexion, drug dealer, trendy type, average height and weight, short cut, mustache, a little chin hair
Story 406B
Jinea-(Lead Perp) African American Female (20’s) brown skin complexion, curvy full figured, great smile, average height
Timothy- (Lead Perp) African American Male (20’s) brown skin complexion, average height & weight, goatee, full lips
Donte (Featured Accomplice) -African American Male (20’s) jerk type character, intimidating, average height & weight
John-(Victim) Caucasian Male (50’s), short salt pepper or gray hair, average height & weight
Besty (Featured) Jinea’s friend- Latina Female (20-25) dark shoulder length hair, average height and weight
Reed (Victim)-Caucasian Male (50’s) white short hair, slim build, full beard, average height & weight
More Details
Please note if you have previously worked on for my man as a lead or feature. Please note which episode and role you portrayed.
Must be willing to work as local hire to DC/MD/VA area (travel & lodging not provided)
Shoot date(s): 9/5 thru 9/8 (will not be needed all four
days, however, you must be flexible as will often change in productions)
Shoot Location: Exact Location TBD (MD, DC, VA AREA)
Instructions for Submission
To apply for the above role(s) in the Tv Series “For My Man Season 4” email Candice (cjohnson@sirensmedia.com)
1. Put the role you are applying for in the subject line.
2. Include current age, height, weight, sizes, phone number & current location and email in the body of the email. Confirm your availability.
3.Include Acting Resume as a PDF not WORD Document. Include Reel with monologue if you have it.
4. Send 3-5 candid photos of yourself in everyday clothes, one should be a full length head to toe, current selfie, headshot shoulder up, full length head to toe. NO ONE ELSE IN THE PICTURES.
5.Rename your photos before sending. First, Last and phone number
6. Please note if you have tattoos and if so where they are located.
7. If your submission is incomplete it will not be considered.